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How Music Affects Us

Music has been a big part of almost everyone's lives, for some it's to relieve stress and for others it's because music comforts them. From just babies to the elderly almost everyone listens to music. When you're walking in school or walking down the street you can see a majority of the people you see with headphones in. Music can positively and negatively affect anyone everyday.

How Music Affects The Brain

A way music enhances brain function is by stimulating the formation chemical. Listening to music to music increases neurotransmitter dopamine. The neurotransmitter is a chemical released by neurons (nerve cells) to send signals to the other nerve cells. So basically the nerves make you more motivated. Music also stimulates Hormone Oxytocin. Hormone Oxytocin is responsible for human behaviors associated with relationships and bonding. If you listen to the right kind of music your relationships with others will grow stronger. Music can also improve your academic skills. Some of those skills are: language development, tests scores, brain connectivity, and spatial intelligence. (WebMd)

How Music Affects Your Mood

If you listen to music at school or work it tends to put you in a better mood, at least for me it does. Music reduces chronic stress by lowering the stress hormone, cortisol. A study in The Journal of Positive Psychology found that when people listen to music it improved their moods and boosted their happiness in just two weeks. It's good to try to be happy as often as you can. Yung Ferguson, a therapist, stated that happiness has been linked to better physical health, higher income, and greater relationship satisfaction (healthline). A lot of people use music as therapy to boost their mood. American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) said music therapy programs can be designed to achieve goals such as managing stress, enhancing memory, and alleviating pain.

What Is The Most Effective Music

Even though you wouldn't think so, sad music actually helps people get in touch with and eventually help you heal. The Journal of Consumer Research found that people tend to prefer sad music when they are experiencing a deep interpersonal loss, like an end of a relationship. The authors of that same study also said that sad music provides a substitute for the loss They compared it to an empathic friend, someone who truly understands what you've been through. Though sad music can affect people positively, upbeat music can make you feel more hopeful, powerful, and in control of your life. So if it's sad music or happy music, they can both affect you in a positive way.

Personally, music has really helped me with stress and to focus more. I mean, I listened to music while writing this. I don't think it matters what type of music you prefer but I think music in general has affected everyone at least once. So the next time you're stressed about homework or you just need to calm down, try turning on some music to cheer you up.

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