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All About Homecoming + Tips For First Timers

Homecoming is one of the most exciting times of the school year! In the beginning of October, high schools will host parades, pep rallies, spirit celebrations, and a Homecoming football game to get ready for the Homecoming Dance. On a more serious note, the Homecoming Dance or any school dances can be very stressful. Your makeup, hair, and outfit don't have to be perfect, it’s all about looking cute, being comfortable and having a good time! With the instructions below you can gather some tips that will help you prepare for your Homecoming Dance.

Dress Shopping And Male Uniform

Keeping in mind, this isn't as big as prom. So don’t freak out about all the designs, patterns, colors and the glitter to chose from! Heres three tips to make your life easier when it comes to picking out a dress or dress shirt.

For Girls:

  1. Most girls will wear strapless dresses. But be cautious that it fits your upper body or you’ll be adjusting your dress all night!

  2. Make sure to pick out a length that’s appropriate and comfortable to dance in. A classy, short dress that falls above the knees would be perfect.

  3. If you choose to wear heels, I would suggest ones with a thicker heel and sole. Or bringing backups such as- flats, sneakers or kitten heels.

For Guys:

  1. Guys, Homecoming is relatively relaxed and informal, so no need to wear a tux or suit.

  2. Wearing dress pants or chinos with a long-sleeved shirt will do.

  3. Also, a tie can be worn, but that might even be overdoing it.

  4. If your going with a date, it’s recommended that you let them know in advance of what you're wearing.

Date or Nah?

There are benefits when it comes to asking, getting asked or avoiding both, let’s list them!

No Date:

The advantages of not having a date is not having to worry about awkward conversations and sweaty palms while dancing. Going to Homecoming without a boyfriend or girlfriend can be less stressful on you. Go with a group with you and your friends.

Going with a Date:

Going with a date can be fun and romantic but also can be stressful and not so laid back on your part. It’s expected for the guy to ask the girl if he’s interested in going with her. If she says yes, I suggest going with your date along with a group of other couples. Or if you're very close to your date and are around them alot, I wouldnt worry that much about going with only your date, and again, you're meeting all your other friends at the dance anyways.

Overall, whether you have a date or not, you’ll have a blast!

Beauty Prep

You never want to get stuck in a situation with a bad hairdo, orange spray tan and raccoon eyes! So follow these easy and cute tips to avoid that nightmare.

  1. To avoid last minute mishaps, test and choose your makeup look before the night of the dance to see how you like it.

  2. Be sure to schedule your hair appointment at least a month in advance. You don't want to be fighting to get in the salon when it's all full.

  3. Try not to ruin your nails before Homecoming night by:

- Moisturizing your nails and cuticles every night.

- Being super careful not to chip them during sporting events or P.E.

- Don’t immerse your hands in water for too long after you get them done.

And if something goes wrong and you do chip your nails, apply each tip with glitter polish for a cute coverup. Just make sure it matches your outfit.

The Night of the Dance

Now that you’ve got your dress, hair and nails all done, here are some last couple tips to make sure your night goes smoothly and fun!

  1. If you have dinner reservations, get there early. Being ten minutes late can result in you losing your table.

  2. If you see the long line for pictures, don’t go wait for it. The line will die down in time for you to have time to take photos later. Also you want to be settled in when the Homecoming king and queen are getting crowned.

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