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Why We Like Scary Movies

If you like scary movies you might end up asking yourself why you like them so much. Some people might like scary movies because they enjoy the adrenaline rush of being scared while also being in a safe place. WebMD said scary movies can provide an enjoyable and safe way to explore and experience fear, knowing that everything´s only make-believe. Others may like scary movies because of their curiosity. As human beings born with a super active brain, we are curious a lot. We love to be shocked and what drives this is morbid curiosity. The last reason people like scary movies is the excitement. Scientists say that people enjoy excitement, even if it's from a negative source, otherwise could be pretty dull.

There is actually a lot of scientific evidence into why we really like scary movies. Healthline states that the science of fear explains why being frightened can be fun, for at least some people. Besides the science of fear there is also something called excitation transfer process which explains more why we like being scared. According to Glenn Sparks, one reason for the appeal is how you feel after the movie. This is called excitation transfer process. Research found people who watch scary movies, and their heart rate, blood pressure and respiration increases.

You might want to watch scary movies as much as you can now because a lot of times when you get older your interest in scary movies decrease. That has a lot to do with how scary movies trigger the risk part of your brain. When you watch a scary movie, you feel like you're actually living in the movie. When someone in the movie does something risky you are right there with them. There are studies that show that teenagers have a larger risk center of their brain and more willing to take risks than older people are. Not saying adults don't like scary movies, teenagers are just more into the gore and violence than adults are.

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